A Bird’s Eye View

The full potential of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) in firefighting, disaster relief, and search & rescue operations has yet to be reached. At Vanguard, we’re dedicated to being at the cutting edge of drone technology and implementation, and we’re working with some of the leading sUAS vendors and manufacturers in the United States to better integrate the best technologies the market has to offer.

  • sUAS can offer similar capabilities to traditional rotary and fixed-wing manned aircraft, but are far cheaper to operate and maintain. Additionally, the potential for loss of life and property in case of an sUAS accident is drastically reduced compared to traditional aircraft.

  • Commercial-grade sUAS can offer 4k airborne video feeds and state-of-the-art thermal imaging, as well as near-continuous flight with hot swappable batteries. This provides Vanguard Fire with unparalleled situational awareness during fires and rescue operations, allowing our operators to identify hotspots and human heat signatures from miles away.

  • sUAS with high payload capacities allow Vanguard Fire to resupply remote crews more efficiently than with traditional methods, keeping our crews out on the line for longer. sUAS can also be used to bring food, water, and supplies to stranded victims during emergencies with ease.

  • Aerial ignition capabilities were once exclusive to rotary-wing manned aircraft, but not anymore. Aerial ignitions can be performed cheaper, safer, and faster than ever before with purpose-built sUAS aerial ignition systems.

    -Coming Soon to Vanguard Fire-